There’s a common misconception that cyber attacks target big business and ‘small fry’ are not under threat.
But Emergence founder and Managing Director Troy Filipcevic is quick to dispel that myth.
If your home was damaged, destroyed, or burgled tomorrow, would you be able to recall every item that you own?
We are extending to our customers the new credit terms from each insurer to help you make your payments to ensure your assets remain protected.
As the credit terms from each insurer vary, with some insurers offering 45 days to make the payment and others offering up to 6 months to make the payment, please contact our office on 02 4322 7856 if you need a payment arrangement without interest.
Should I cancel my Business Insurance?
If your business is closed or not operating due to COVID-19, you may find yourself wondering whether you still need business insurance, or, whether you should cancel it and start a new policy when you re-open in a few months.
There’s a common misconception that cyber attacks target big business and ‘small fry’ are not under threat.
But Emergence founder and Managing Director Troy Filipcevic is quick to dispel that myth.